AUTOMATIC 33% OFF ALL DESIGNS (excludes Dollar Deals)



arrow_circle_down Do you have a Wish List?

Do you have your eye on some designs, but haven't got a project in mind, or dare I say it, no time to sew right now?    Add the designs to your WISHLIST, and they will be saved for next time

First of all, YOU NEED TO BE LOGGED INTO YOUR ACCOUNT (how else will the 'computer' know to save the designs to YOUR Wishlist)

Once you are logged into your account, it's pretty simple

Accoun Page

View our designs as you normally do

ALL products now have 2 options:

Add to Shopping Basket or Add to wishlist

Product view

Click Add to Wishlist, and you are taken to MY WISHLIST


Your chosen design will now stay in your Wishlist - until you either Remove from Wishlist or Add to Cart

As simple as that!!

Next time you Log In, you can click on the WISHLIST on the Top Right Hand Side and your designs will be sitting there waiting for you.

Wishlist Banner

Thank you for being so patient while our Website Guru's got this organised.

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